Friday, May 11, 2007

I wanted to grab some pics in the long grass before it gets mowed tomorrow, so I decided on a toy as my subject. This is from about 1945. It's a little acrobat guy, you wind him up and he spins around the bar like a gymnast. It's so cool, and so simple. I love old toys like this. He belongs to one of the ladies I live with, and he gets brought out on special occasions to show his skills. He's still going strong at 60 and shows no signs of slowing down. Why don't they make toys like this anymore? Some simple physics instead of flashing lights and music.. I could watch this thing spin for hours when I was little.. We need an old-fashioned toy revolution I think.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is the 12th! I hope some of you participate in the 12 of 12, which is where you take 12 pictures throughout the day, pretty much of anything, then post them with the time it was taken. The idea came from Chad, click the link to find out more. Meghan told me about it, and I tried for the first time last month. I'm excited it's the 12th again! So I hope to see 12 pictures from more of you tomorrow :)

And, I've been wanting to give a PSA about bloglines.. If you don't use it (or something similar), it's very easy and convenient. You create an account, then copy and paste the addresses of the blogs you visit into it. Then you can see which blogs have been updated, instead of just randomly visiting. I love it, and it's really streamlined my blog-reading. Some blogs seem to have more than one feed to choose from, I always choose the first one and it works well. You should all give it a try! I always feel bad when my statcounter lists lots of visitors when I haven't updated...

Here's the toy! Most are normal colour, a couple vintage/grainy. All with my 30mm at ISO 100, f/1.8, shot in RAW. As always, thanks for visiting!


Jennifer said...

I'm lovin the 4th and 5th shots, you have such an interesting view on things, I love coming back and seeing what you have new for us, thanks for sharing, you rock!

Cyndi said...

What a cool toy! I love old tin toys. I could play with them for hours and hours, too. =) I recently bought my boys an old-school kaleidoscope and an old-fachioned robot and they LOVE them and play with them all the time.

I'm loving the lushness of the grass in these. I almost want to go lay in it. =) The last shot is so pretty. All the dense, cool colors make it feel refreshing.

I've been in somewhat of a photo funk lately, but I like coming here to your blog because you are so creative. You inspire me to pick up my camera just for the joy of taking pictures and improving my skill.

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

Lovin the toy, the pictures and I love this song (one of my favs). I love old toys, but I just knoe that thing would get broken in the first day at our house!

Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

Oh and thanks for the links, although I am not sure i will ever figure out this whole blog thing and everything i can do with it lol.

aboutimage said...


I'll have to ceck out bloglines.

I'll be looking for 12 of 12 tomorrow :)

Lulu said...

You are so right, Miss Ellen! Simple Physics is much more preferable to all the advanced electrical physics! :P Love your dof and what a cool toy! TFS!

Ooo, and thanks for the reminder. I missed it last month and can't wait to do it today! :) Yay!

Love you! Have a fun day!


Angela said...

Cool toy! I think I remember my grandmother had a toy like this (along with a some what creepy little monkey/symbol thingie) when I was little. I really love the grainy ones! I have found that I am getting into grain here lately! Great shots and DOF!

I've never heard this song before now, but I really like it!

Jennifer said...

Hey I remember the monkey, it banged its little symbols!? Oh, I loved playing with that at my grandparents house. Ellen, you sure did bring back some memories for all of us!

Lipglossiping said...

Oh I don't think I can even express how much I love #4... I want it on my wall.

Wish I'd checked in earlier, the 12th is nearly over here :( I'll definitely take part next month though. Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

Stephanie said...

Hee hee! This looks like an excercise guy! I wish I could turn into a doll, and then get my daily workout that way. Much funner then what I do now...
THese are great!

Amy (3 Peas) said...

LOVE that last shot :)

Christie said...

well, i share your views on the toys. i try to buy mainly wooden, old fashioned toys for my kids but gosh, as they get older, they want the plastic, flashy crap!

these shots are so pretty. i just love the size of thiss little guy in relation to the flowers.

i will have to check out the bloglines idea. i hate when i post erratically to my blog too.

Anonymous said...

i agree with Lottie----I want that on my wall! These are so lovely.