Hellooooo! Anyone out there? It's been way too long. Winter came and went without a post to this blog, and now I hardly even have time to type since I was supposed to start working on a report 2 hours ago.
Here's the post in a nutshell:
1. I miss you
2. I've hardly taken any pictures in months other than bar pics for facebook
3. I'm really happy but really busy
4. My apartment still has centipedes and no, we're not friends
5. I went to DC for a conference and loved the blossoms!
6. I truly hope you're all as happy as I am
7. One day, someday, I'll check your blogs again
8. I miss this blog, so I'm going to try to post more
9. I discovered I like calamari
10. I miss you!
Now I'll overload you with pics from DC and a couple of fun ones with a friend yesterday. I'm going to try to revive this blog!

My awesome friend Amy who posed for some backlighting yesterday.. Isn't she cute??

The prepared speech pathologist with her 100 pound bag of materials:

That's all for now. Maybe tomorrow I'll post some pictures from Christmas! :)
Yeah!! You're back! :D I've been wondering about your centiped friends. ;) Glad to see that you have some spring like weather, beautiful sun, and awesome friends to photograph. :D Hope you're well...
Hey, welcome back! :) I've missed your blog too... it seemed like everyone stopped posting all at once!
Sorry to hear that the centipedes are still around... that's not cool. But I love the photos, especially the metro and the frog..is it real?? The backlighting is lovely too!
About the blogs...I retired mine and tried to start a new one, but the whole photo-a-day thing kind of fell through in January. I might end up reinstating my old one instead... I'll let you know if I do. :)
I think I'm going to have a heart attack. YOU'RE BACK! I adore all the pictures, of course... but I'm just so happy to have an update from you!!!!!!!
If you couldn't tell... I miss you, too.
Hey, you're back! *falls over*
I've kept checking your Blog, just in case you updated, and today I find you have, yay! Glad to hear you're OK, and hoping to get back into Blogging :D
I think my favourite of your photos was the black and white train station - I'm a sucker for black and white and sunsets!
I've made a separate Blog for my photos now (the link is now on my Blog profile), but it's where I post my 12 of 12 photos, and my Project 366 photos (it's a challenge where each day of 2008 has a theme, and you have to take a photo for each theme, between Jan 1st and Dec 31st - in any order, and sometimes you might get behind and post several in a day to catch up). If you get a minute, check it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
But most of all, yay for you being back! I've missed you and your lovely photos [hug]
Hee - bizzarely enough, I happened to check my List Blog today, to see if I could delete it. And I found your comment from last October! (I didn't get comment notification, as I didn't expect to get any, and I forgot that Blog was listed publicly on my profile, unlike my personal, running or (new) photo Blogs!)
So thank you for that ;-)
Hopefully my profile should show my photo Blog now, which is (hopefully) a bit more interesting to read!
YAY, its so great to finally hear from you again! WOW, sounds like you have a very busy life now, but thats awesome! Although I've missed seeing new pics from you and all! Well, I will keep checking back and see if you post again girl!
ELLEN! LOVE ya, girl! 2 is fantastically gorgeous! LOVE 6 and 7 as well.
i really have missed our blogging group, i have! once you let it go for so long though, it's easy to just keep letting it go, yk?
YAY!!! I've missed you!!!
Glad to see that life is good! :)
Great photos as always :)
Hope to see more of you! :)
Ellen!!! What better way to end my day than to see you back in the blogging world! I have missed you!! Your photos are gorgeous!! I love #3. You never cease to amaze me. So glad to have you back! It sounds like you are doing well and are happy. That's good to hear! Can't wait to see more of what you've been up to. :)
It is so good to see you!!! I am so glad that you are doing so well and so happy! I'm training myself for photography certification so that is tons of fun! Now I know how people who study feel! Can't wait to see more pictures! Great backlighting shots!
Welcome Back Ellen!
So glad you are back, you have been missed!
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